Friday, 18 January 2013

How to Increase Virtual Memory

If you need guidelines on how to increase virtual memory on a computer, this article will definitely help you out. All you have to do for increasing virtual memory, is follow simple steps enumerated here.

If you are tired of seeing your computer hanging up, every time you begin operating multiple programs on your operating system, it is time you learned how to increase virtual memory of your desktop computer or laptop computer. Increasing virtual memory will definitely speed things up.

What is Virtual Memory?

Before I enumerate the steps to increase virtual memory, it would be interesting to understand and appreciate how operating system programmers have achieved economy of memory usage, by coming up with the concept of virtual memory.

Let us try to understand what is virtual memory and how does it help in speeding up operation of the computer. A computer's brain is the 32-bit or 64- bit (AMD or Intel) processor. The processor needs working memory to store the data related to programs which it runs. For this purpose, RAM (Random Access Memory) is used. RAM is working memory of the computer and its size decides how much of workload or processing load, a computer can handle, at a time. If it wasn't for virtual memory, the computer would hang up every time you start many programs at a time and the workload went beyond manageability of the RAM.

That is where the concept of virtual memory comes in. Virtual memory is 'virtually' on the RAM, but physically on the hard disk of the computer. With virtual memory use, a RAM can scan which memory areas are not in use at present and store that chunk of memory on to the hard disk, releasing extra RAM space for multitasking. The RAM stored on the hard disk is in the form of page files called 'pagefile.sys' and are automatically stored and retrieved by RAM on the go. However, virtual memory cannot replace RAM and it is only in cases of exigency, that it can be relied upon and that too in a small measure. If the computer has to constantly shuttle data, between hard disk and RAM (in a process called thrashing), working slows down. So, you must have enough RAM according to the amount of multitasking that you need to perform and if the load spills over RAM capacity, you always have virtual memory to save the day! In the next section, we'll see the procedure for increasing virtual memory.

How to Increase Virtual Memory in Windows XP?

Even though newer versions of the Windows operating system have come up, many people continue to work with Windows XP as it's very stable. Here are simple steps to increase virtual memory in the Windows XP operating system.

Right click with the mouse on the 'My Computer' icon and choose the 'properties' option. Next click on the 'Advanced' tab and in the 'Performance' section, click on 'Settings'. In the various settings options, click on the 'Change' button next to 'Virtual Memory'. Then enter the amount of memory that you want to allot as virtual memory. Increase the default value by a few 100 MB at the start and see what effect it has on the performance. If you do not find it adequate, you can increase it even more. For the settings to take effect, you must restart the computer.

Increasing Virtual Memory in Windows Vista

For the Windows Vista, operating system, here is how you can increase virtual memory size. Right click on 'My Computer' and select 'Properties' option. Click on 'Advanced System Settings'. In the window that will open, under the 'Advanced' tab, click on settings. There in, under another 'Advanced' tab, click on the 'change' button, under the 'Virtual Memory' section. Another window will pop up. Uncheck the check box written next to 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives'. Select the 'Custom' option and enter the amount of virtual memory size that you want. Two entries will have to be made in mega bytes. One is 'Initial Size' and the other is 'Maximum Size'. Then click on 'Ok' button and restart the computer for the settings to take effect. Monitor the difference in computer performance and if memory is still falling short, increase virtual memory size further.

One other way of freeing up more RAM is to uninstall programs which you don't need and clearing up unwanted files and data. Knowing these little tweaking tricks can help you manage the memory resources of your computer and make optimal usage to accomplish various tasks.

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